The Lacey Municipal Utilities Authority takes great pride in its staff of trained professionals that continuously work to ensure that a safe supply of drinking water is available whenever you need it. The quality of your water supply depends on each of us making water-wise choices. Don’t wait until it is too late to consider how small changes in your everyday water use can help preserve this resource.
Please utilize this website to locate all essential MUA information, including Online Bill Pay, Account Info, Service Info, Important Documents, and more.
Monthly Meeting Dates: 1st Wednesday @ 6:00pm – Click To View The Schedule

Clean Water Doesn't Just Happen
Every day, as individuals, we make decisions that effect the future of our drinking water, whether it’s simply turning off the tap while brushing our teeth, disposing of household toxins properly, or supporting land use practices that protect our natural water resources.
Each water-wise decision we make adds up to a cleaner, safer drinking water. Single actions multiply into municipal, county and state-wide results when individuals, organizations and businesses work together to clean up our waterways, protect watersheds and curb pollution.
We can no longer afford to take our water for granted. Be water-wise, don’t waste this life-supporting resource.
The Lacey MUA is requesting our customers to discontinue flushing disposable wipes down the toilet. The wipes do NOT break down in the sewer system causing sewer lines to become blocked and pumps to become clogged. When sewer lines become blocked, sewage can back-up into your home or spill onto the ground causing an environmental impact and possible fines and penalties.
The Lacey MUA grealy appreciates your cooperating in the matter.
Payment By Mail:
Remittances requiring receipt must be accompanied by the entire bill with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Otherwise detach the payment stub and mail with your check. No discount for prepayment.
Late Payment:
Customers who allow their bill to go unpaid will be charged an extra 1.5% per month on the overdue balance in accordance with State Statute N.J.S.A. 40:14B-41.
Water Meter Damage:
If water meter equipment has been damaged or tampered with, the homeowner is responsible and will be billed accordingly.
Other Charges:
Certain fees may be required for such items as permits, inspections, tap fees, service calls, water turn on, water turn off, cost recovery charges, etc.